Monday, February 9, 2015

Date Night

People keep telling me I need to fall in love with Jesus. I don't even know how to fall in love with regular people let alone the God of the Universe. He has already given me EVERYTHING I could ever want or need. What do you give a guy who has created everything? How do you date the central figure in the God-head?

I decided to try out a some dating ideas. My first date with Jesus will be:
Dinner+Writing nice things about each other and reading them aloud!

Now, this may seem impossible, but it is not.
The plan is to write down my favorite things about Christ before hand; then after dinner I will read those things to Jesus. To receive my compliments from him? Look no further than the Word. I will read promises the Bible makes to us!!

I am definitely looking forward to it! I will report back after our date is over.

The Reason

There are only 2 books in the Bible named after women: Esther. Ruth.

I am a woman. A woman seeking to fall back in love with the Word of God. While there are many women in the Bible that I will reference on this blog these women were cool/important/humble/broken enough that the got a book a piece. Hence the blog name.